
AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical business and our innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. Through relentless innovation and a commitment to scientific discovery we are catalysing changes in the practice of medicine to transform the patient experience. By working with the community, we can empower patients and caregivers, and are able to evolve the way cancer is treated by accelerating the uptake of the latest advancements.

Through collaborations with researchers, 学术界, 医疗服务提供者, 政府, industry and scientific organisations, patients and their families, we are uncovering unique insights on how we can establish new standards of screening, diagnostics and treatment.

I am passionate about developing medicines to improve the outcomes for patients with cancer and developing the skills and experience of the people within my team.

苏珊·加尔布雷斯 Executive Vice-President, 肿瘤学 R&D


New Normal, 相同的癌症


In 2020, we partnered with global patient coalitions around the world to launch New Normal, 相同的癌症. This programme raises awareness of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care and calls for those experiencing new symptoms or are waiting to attend routine screening appointments not to wait any longer to contact their doctor. 



Lung cancer is at the forefront of AstraZeneca’s research and development focus. Our expanding portfolio aims to provide medicines that can improve outcomes at every stage of the disease. But we know if we are to make meaningful progress for lung cancer patients, we cannot work alone. We have partnered with the International Association for the Study of Lung 癌症 (IASLC), the Global Lung 癌症 Coalition (GLCC), and Guardant Health to form the 肺志联盟.  Together we are taking urgent action to double five-year survival in lung cancer globally by 2025 – prioritising research and projects that increase screening, deliver innovative medicine and improve quality care


Patients as people first

Our commitment to patients

Our longstanding commitment to patients has led us to reimagine our patient-focused ways of working, as we embed it across every aspect of our company to deliver the healthcare experience and outcomes people care about most so they can enjoy fulfilling lives