It is time to evolve value assessment of cancer therapies

The way oncology therapies are valued has not always kept pace with the science. The cancer burden is growing, 现在是时候继续发展癌症治疗价值评估,以帮助改善患者获得治疗. 本咨询报告是由澳门在线赌城娱乐发起,审查技术准确性和资助. BCG受澳门在线赌城娱乐委托编写了这份报告,该报告概述了癌症治疗价值评估的7项原则和3项建议.

The way cancer therapies are valued has not always kept pace with the science. With global cancer incidence estimated to increase from 19.3 million in 2020 to 30.2 million in 2040,the time is now to continue to evolve cancer therapy value assessment. 一份新报告, developed in collaboration with BCG and a global cancer expert group, 概述了支付方和监管机构重新调整价值评估策略以跟上科学步伐的七项原则. 本咨询报告是由澳门在线赌城娱乐发起,审查技术准确性和资助. BCG was commissioned by AstraZeneca to develop this report.

Timely patient access may be supported by evolving value assessment of cancer therapies
在过去的几十年里,推进癌症治疗的旅程见证了科学创新的进步. Simultaneously, 肿瘤学的科学进步为患者带来了更有针对性的治疗方法,旨在改善临床结果和生活质量.2,3,4

For people with cancer to benefit from advancements in early detection and treatment, they need access to innovative treatments. In many countries, after a medicine receives regulatory approval, its value is evaluated to inform reimbursement and access decisions by 纳税人. 5 监管机构要求为上市许可决策提供的临床有效性和安全性证据可能不同于支付方用于告知报销和准入决策(作为其价值评估的一部分)的证据. 5 This can lead to delayed or inconsistent patient access.6

Policy needs to include the full-range of value measures for cancer treatments
To ensure patients and healthcare systems can access and benefit from cancer innovation, 全球癌症社区需要继续发展肿瘤治疗的价值,以使报销跟上科学的步伐. 患者在疾病早期阶段获得创新药物不仅增加了改善结果的机会, annual treatment cost-savings from early cancer diagnosis can be immense.7

为了帮助提高癌症治疗创新的可及性,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与波士顿咨询集团(BCG)和一个代表患者权益的全球专家组合作, 纳税人, health economists, 监管机构, representatives from professional oncology societies and physicians. 感谢他们的集体专业知识和洞察力,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐很荣幸与大家分享一份新的报告, 癌症治疗价值评估的演变:来自癌症社区的七项原则.

该报告概述了七项原则:四项概述了癌症治疗价值评估,可用于评估早期癌症治疗的临床价值, 其中三个代表了可以集成到医疗保健系统评估和流程中的重要价值组成部分. 该报告还提出了癌症界共同采取的三项建议和九项行动,以实现改善早期癌症新药获取的目标.  Read the report 癌症治疗价值评估的演变:来自癌症社区的七项原则 在这里 and share with your network.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐需要做更多的工作,以确保过去几年在创新方面取得的科学进步继续推进癌症治疗并惠及患者. 患者和医生不应该因为严格的价值评估而失去可以改善临床结果和生活质量的创新治疗方法. 因此,现在是发展卫生技术评估(HTA)和付款人价值评估以加速获得肿瘤药物的时候了.

Dr Giuseppe Curigliano
Professor of Medical 肿瘤学, University of Milano

As our understanding of cancer grows, we are realising that cancer is a disease that is as unique as we are as humans. As a consequence, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在快速开发与越来越小的患者群体相关的治疗方法. 验证这些治疗作为卫生技术评估学科的一部分需要新的思维和新的指标. 这份报告是在这一讨论中向前迈出的一大步,它阐明了一些明智和有意义的措施,将有助于进行更好和更准确的评估. 它为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐社区的癌症患者提供了更好的治疗和更好的结果

CEO, Rare Cancers Australia

As a cancer community, we must harness this to collaborate to advance value assessment, so patients have timely access to innovative oncology medicines. 癌症创新的科学进步意味着有机会改善患者的治疗效果, 然而, 如果价值评估方面的障碍继续限制肿瘤药物的获取,患者就无法受益.

癌症负担正在增加,据估计,全球癌症发病率将从19.3 million in 2020 to 30.2 million in 2040. That is almost 11 million more people diagnosed with cancer in 2040 compared to 2020.1 As a cancer community, in this new report, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐呼吁支付方和监管机构继续改进肿瘤药物的价值,以改善获得科学进步的途径. 反过来, 通过有效和有针对性的治疗进行早期干预,既可以改善患者的预后,也有助于卫生系统应对日益增加的癌症负担.

Vice President Global 肿瘤学 Market Access and Pricing

The consulting report referred to in this article was initiated, reviewed for technical accuracy and funded by AstraZeneca. BCG was commissioned by AstraZeneca to develop this report.

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1 World Health Organisation. International Agency for Research on Cancer – Cancer Tomorrow. Available at: http://gco.研究.fr/tomorrow/en/dataviz/isotype. (Accessed November 2022).

2西格尔RL.米勒KD.福克斯·贺.,杰马尔. Cancer Statistics, 2022. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021;72(1):7-33. Available at: /民航总局.21708. (Accessed November 2022).

3 Canadian Cancer Society. Canadian Cancer Statistics. Available at: (Accessed November 2022).

4玫瑰PW.鲁宾·G., Perera-Salazar R.等。. 解释国际癌症基准伙伴关系中11个司法管辖区之间癌症生存的差异:一项初级保健小插曲调查参与者:11个司法管辖区的2795名pcp. BMJ开放. 2014. Available at: (Accessed November 2022).

齐亚尼,O.等。. Med Decis Making. 2021: 41(4)

6 EFPIA. Everyday counts. http://www.efpia.欧盟/新闻事件/ the-efpia-view /博客文章/ everyday-counts-9-reasons-why-patients-wait-longer-to-get-access-to-new-cancer-medicines /. (Accessed Nov 2022).

7 Kakushadze, Z.等。. Estimating cost savings from early cancer diagnosis. Data. 2017. 2(3): 30. Available at: (Accessed November 2022).

Veeva ID: Z4-50243
Date of preparation: November 2022


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